
My Collection of Wet, Yellowish-Brown Leaves

mynote7711 2024. 9. 4. 21:47

The air is crisp, the days are shorter, and a gentle breeze whispers through the trees, carrying with it the scent of autumn. As leaves transform from vibrant green to fiery hues, a sense of nostalgia washes over me, reminding me of the beauty and fleeting nature of the season.

I'm drawn to the riverbank, where the water flows gently, mirroring the changing colors of the leaves above. Among the fallen leaves, I find a particular fascination with those that have been kissed by the rain, their colors deepened and softened by the moisture.


The leaves I collect are a symphony of yellows and browns, each one unique in its shape, size, and pattern. There are the bright, almost lemon-yellow leaves, still clinging to a hint of their summer green. Others are a deeper, golden yellow, like the glow of a setting sun. And then there are the leaves that have embraced the earth's embrace, their colors transformed to rich, earthy browns, tinged with gold.

Each leaf tells a story. It speaks of the summer sun that nurtured it, the autumn winds that carried it to the ground, and the gentle rain that has softened its edges. I carefully gather these wet, yellowish-brown leaves, each one a precious piece of autumn's ephemeral beauty.


My collection is not just a collection of leaves; it's a collection of memories. Each leaf reminds me of a specific walk along the river, a particular day when the air was crisp and the sky was clear. It's a reminder of the beauty that surrounds us, even in the fleeting moments of autumn.


I carefully preserve these leaves, pressing them between sheets of paper, capturing their colors and textures for years to come. They become bookmarks, decorations, or simply a reminder of the beauty that nature offers us, season after season.

So, as the leaves continue to fall, I'll be there, collecting my treasures, each one a testament to the magic of autumn. And as I look at my collection, I'll be reminded that even in the face of change, beauty endures.
